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Image by Peter Glaser

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Brampton's Upcoming Soccer Star

Brampton, a beautiful city in Canada, home to more than 600,000 people, a 30-minute drive outside Toronto, is stepping up to international attention in 2022. The reason for that is soccer, the biggest sport in the world, that has over the years grown attention in Canada. The Canadian men's soccer team hadn´t competed in a big international tournament for over 30 years. Therefore, their qualification for the 2022 world cup in Qatar came as a surprise to many! Looking at the Canadian squad, 7 out of 26 players called to represent their nation were either born, raised, or developed in Brampton, including Captain Atiba Hutchinson, Tajon Buchanan, Cyle Larin, Liam Millar, Ike Ugbo, David “Junior” Hoilett, and Defender Doneil Henry. The fast-growing city shapes the modern success of the Canadian soccer team, developing young talents into big national and international stars. And the trend doesn´t seem to stop as scouts report more youngsters from Brampton. And there is one young man the world should be aware of. His name is Jaden Corbin, a 15-year-old citizen from Brampton. He started his journey in the world of soccer at just 3 years of age at Brampton East, playing in the regional house league. Additionally, he attended camps at Power FC. Soon, his talent stood out and to get more fundamentals, he left Brampton and trained at the Bryst Academy. Dedicated, he trained under professional conditions for two years in the academy. As a dynamic striker, he implies the principles of the top players in his game. After two years in the Bryst Academy, he went back to Brampton East (now Brampton Soccer Club), now playing in the representative team. There he continued to evolve, showing his flexibility playing striker, winger, central midfield as well as full-back and center-back. He kept his additional training up, working on his skills every Friday at Woody Bailey. To boost his training, he left the club for one year to train at TFC Juniors. Once again, he returned to Brampton for a stint in the OPDL U13 and U14. At the age of 14, Jaden made the next big step on his way to professional soccer. He left his home club, transferring to the North Toronto Nitros where he plays ever since. The left-footed winger stands out through his ability to use both feet with equally perfect technique and his general athleticism shown by a black belt in Taekwondo and his Level 10 swimmer license. This young man is the future of Canadian soccer, capable of achieving tremendous success through his dedication to training and natural talent. Remember his name, Jaden is one of Canada's great hopes for the future with a long journey ahead of him!


Before a game, I ...

As a soccer player, mental and physical preparation are crucial to performing at my best during a match. Here are some tips for preparing both mentally and physically: Mental preparation: Set specific goals: Having clear goals in mind can help you stay focused and motivated during the game. Visualize success: Close your eyes and imagine yourself succeeding on the field, making great passes, scoring goals, and helping your team win. Get into the right mindset: This might involve getting pumped up with music, taking deep breaths to calm yourself, or finding a quiet place to focus and clear your mind. Stay present and positive: It's important to stay present and focused on the task at hand during a soccer match, and to keep a positive attitude even if things aren't going your way. Remember that soccer is a game and it's important to have fun and enjoy yourself. Physical preparation: Eat a balanced diet: On the day before a match, make sure to eat a balanced diet that includes plenty of carbohydrates, protein, and healthy fats. My favorite type of carbohydrate is pasta, which provides sustained energy and helps fuel my body for the match ahead. Get enough sleep: Aim for 7-9 hours of sleep per night and try to go to bed at a consistent time each night. Establish good sleep hygiene: In addition to getting enough sleep, it's also important to establish good sleep hygiene habits. This might include turning off screens at least an hour before bedtime, creating a comfortable sleep environment, and using relaxation techniques to wind down before sleep. By following these tips for mental and physical preparation, I can better prepare myself for a soccer match and perform at my best.


My Journey to Recovery: Overcoming an Injury to Get Back on the Field

It's been a few months since I've been able to lace up my cleats and take the field. Back in January, in the first practice back from the holidays, I was tackled and fractured my ankle. It was a tough blow to take, especially since I had been looking forward to getting back into the swing of things after the break. The fracture resulted in a bone chip in my inner left foot, which happens to be my dominant foot. It was frustrating to think that I might not be able to play the game I loved for a long time. But I refused to let that thought take over. I knew I had to be mentally tough and focus on my recovery. I had the chip removed at the end of January, and my road to recovery began. I'm grateful for the support of everyone around me during this time, including Mrs. Mclean, the VP at Cardinal Leger Secondary School. I missed my first semester grade 10 exams due to the injury, but Mrs. Mclean was there to help me catch up and make sure I didn't fall behind. She made sure I had everything I needed to succeed academically, which was a huge weight off my shoulders. Of course, my coach Ivan Juric also played a major role in my recovery. He was always there to encourage me and keep me motivated, even when I was feeling frustrated or discouraged. His support meant the world to me, and I couldn't have done it without him. It wasn't easy, but I'm proud to say that I worked hard and persevered. After two weeks in an air boot, I slowly started working my way back onto the field. My recovery wasn't perfect, but I was determined to be ready for the Dallas Cup. And thanks to the support of Mrs. Mclean, Coach Juric, and so many others, I was able to make it happen. Now that I'm back playing, I'm reminded every day of the mental toughness and resilience it takes to overcome obstacles like this. I'm grateful for the lessons I've learned, and I know that I'm stronger and more determined than ever before. Thank you, Mrs. Mclean and Coach Juric, for your unwavering support. You helped me achieve something that I thought might be impossible, and I'll never forget that.

Ready to Kick

Why I like Thomas Muller

Thomas Muller is my favorite soccer player for many reasons. His versatility on the field is one of the things that stands out to me most. Muller has played as a forward, attacking midfielder, and even as a winger, and he excels in all of these roles. He is able to adapt to whatever position he is asked to play and make a valuable contribution to his team. I also admire Muller's intelligence on the field. He has a great understanding of the game and is always aware of what is happening around him. This allows him to make smart, creative passes and to find space where others might not see it. He is always one step ahead of the opposition and is able to anticipate their movements and make the right decisions. Muller is also an excellent finisher. His ability to score goals from a variety of positions and situations is what makes him such a valuable player for any team. He has a knack for being in the right place at the right time and has scored some impressive goals throughout his career. His finishing ability is just one more reason why he is so difficult to defend against. But perhaps what I admire most about Muller is his work ethic and his willingness to do whatever it takes to help his team succeed. He is a true team player and is always willing to put in the hard work to make sure that his team is successful. He is a leader on and off the field and sets a great example for his teammates to follow. As a fan of Thomas Muller, I see myself in him in a number of ways. Like Muller, I am a versatile player who can play a variety of positions on the field. I may not have the same level of skill as Muller, but I strive to be adaptable and to find ways to contribute to my team in any way that I can. I also value intelligence on the field and try to always be aware of what is happening around me and make smart, creative passes to my teammates. I also try to embody Muller's work ethic and team-first mentality. Whether I am on the field or on the sidelines, I always try to put in the hard work and effort to ensure that my team has the best chance of success. And like Muller, I believe that teamwork and a strong team bond are essential to success in soccer. Thomas Muller is my favorite soccer player because of his versatility, intelligence, finishing ability, work ethic, and leadership. He is a true asset to any team and is an inspiration to me and many other soccer fans around the world

Soccer Match

Student Athlete

Being a student athlete can be a challenging but rewarding experience. It requires a lot of hard work and dedication to succeed both on and off the field. On a typical weekday, I have four classes at Cardinal Leger and my school day starts at 8:22 am and finishes at 2:30 pm. When I come home, I usually have a snack to refuel before starting on my homework. Depending on what time practice is, I either do my homework and have a nap, or I go to practice (napping in the car if necessary) and do my homework when I get home. In addition to practicing and playing soccer four days a week and having games on weekends, I am also a straight-A French immersion student at Cardinal Leger. This requires me to put in extra time and effort to ensure that I am successful in my studies. I have to stay on top of my assignments and make sure that I am prepared for exams and quizzes. As a student athlete, I know firsthand how important it is to have a strong support system in order to succeed. My parents are a vital part of my support system and are always willing to help me find a balance between my responsibilities. They encourage me to stay on top of my assignments and to prioritize my studies, but they also understand the importance of taking breaks and having some down time. They provide emotional support, cheering me on during games and helping me stay positive when things aren't going my way. They are always there to listen and offer advice, and they help me stay motivated and focused on my goals. In addition to parental support, it's also important for student athletes to have a strong support system of coaches, teachers, and friends who can help them navigate the


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